Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gifts for China

Hello Friends,

Friday was a good day!  My team members and I spent the afternoon making beaded necklaces strung on leather cording to give as gifts to our Chinese sisters.  Making the necklaces was so successful we decided to meet again to make more.  The women love to receive anything made by hand.  They are always so appreciative.  The necklaces were easy to make and turned out to be very beautiful and elegant.  We were very pleased.  We have an excellent variety of gifts to give thanks to those who have made bible book covers, hand crocheted shawls and hats.

As the time draws near for our departure, plans are being finalized and our itinerary in Beijing, Shenyang, and Chengde are pretty much in place.  It looks like we'll be off to Shenyang shortly after our arrival in China.   It will be a 4 hour train ride from Beijing to Shenyang.  I love traveling by train and am sure my team members like me, are excited to see some of China's beautiful countryside.  We will be attending a wedding while we are in Shenyang.  We are excited and feel privileged to be invited.  After several days of teaching in Shenyang, we will be off to Chengde, also by train.  Returning to Beijing for more teaching and reconnecting with believing friends until we depart for home.  
Throughout this trip we will be teaching and ready for God's leading and looking for many divine appointments.

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.  Please pray that our team unity and bonding would continue to grow, multiplied time to plan and prepare with excellence everything that needs to get done, and that we would not be hindered in doing God's work by the weather or any outside forces.  
Beijing will be hot and humid.  Shenyang is closer to the mountains, so we are expecting cooler temperatures in the mid 70's, but we may have some humidity there as well.

Thank you, again for all your support and for partnering with connecting with China.  We couldn't do it without you!  
Angela Smith for the Team


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