Thursday, January 30, 2014

Talk Topics and Chinese Culture

Team Seven have begun our training for the China April mission.  I already am feeling overwhelmed, excited, and anxious all at the same time.  So much to think about and pray about! 

Our letters have sent to tell our family and friends of our intent to go on this Mission to China and I am so very thankful for all the donations and prayer support that has already come back.  Thank you to all who have made a commitment to serve China with us! 

The team has been given a list of topics they would like us to teach while we are there.  Each of us needs to choose two topics.  Some of the subjects to choose from are:
* Parenting in a Godly way
* Marriage (Submission, the relationship between husband and wife)
* How to disciple younger people
* Standards for a Godly wife
* Spiritual Leadership and household
* How to be a courageous leader
* Seeking Christ 1st
* A Women’s supporting role in marriage
* A mother’s role in raising up Godly children

These are just a few.  We are prayerfully seeking God in what subjects we should focus on.

Rob has also been reading a book called One World/Two Minds by Denis Lane and sharing with me how different the China Culture is from our own.  So very interesting!  We as Westerners think in a straight line, meaning we think of something and then work our way to complete that task or thought.  In the Eastern Culture, they talk everything through with those around them; they weigh everyone’s input, and then they begin to work out a task or thought.

Again, Thank You so much for your commit to pray for us and the donations you've made so that we will be able to go and serve. 

God told His disciples to "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15)   What do you feel God calling you to?  Ask Him!  His Word promises an answer.  “Call unto me, and I will answer, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not yet know.”  (Jeremiah 33:3)
Karlene for the Team


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