Sunday, July 29, 2012

Special Meeting With Chinese Teachers

Our team had a glimpse of what is to come when we recently met with some Chinese exchange teachers.  This group consisted of Chinese adult English teachers from Inner Mongolia who were here in the US to study our culture and language and spend several weeks in different areas of our country.

One of the teachers was a young woman whose mother had become a believer about 20 years ago.  Through a difficult period in the mother’s life, she heard from the Lord.  In turn, she led her husband and 2 young children to Christ. The young woman shared that she knew that Jesus was her Savior, yet she felt alone as many people are unaware of His existence in her country.  She prays and knows He hears her, but what she is missing is fellowship with other believers her own age.

Her fiancĂ© was part of this trip, and our group was able to speak with him as well.  He is also a teacher and the two of them work together.  When asked if Jesus was His savior, his response was “not yet”.  While each of us saw hope in his answer, the idea of being unequally yoked was resonating with each of us.

It became apparent to me that night that although the culture maybe different, the needs are very much the same.  The very same enemy sows the seeds of distraction, discouragement and deception here and in China. We must be bold to encourage, attract, and share truth.  This was a night where our Lord opened up a little of what we would see with our Chinese sisters.  It became apparent that our issues, temptations, expectations, and trials are similar. 

Just as this dear young woman’s mother was bold, we prepare for our time in China.  We pray that the Lord is tilling the soil in China as our November team prepares to head over there.  May we plant seeds for the kingdom in our Lord Jesus, and nurture those seedlings that have begun to grow. 
Prayer Requests

  1. Wisdom for our talks that they would reflect Gods word and what He wants the Chinese people to hear.
  2. Praise for our "sending team" ..... it is growing and many people are committing to pray for China and our team!
  3. Praise for the support that has already been raised.
  4. Unity for our team to continue to work well together
  5. Health for the team members to stay strong